Thursday, March 31, 2011

new vocab

N. Subpoena
a writ ordering someone to attend court
The old man was issued a subpoena because of his lack to pay taxes.
ADJ. Fey
giving an imression of vague unworldliness
The young man had a fey reaction when seeing the giant stuffed purple monster.
ADJ. Venerable
Accorded a great deal of respect
The old man was venerable after WW2.
ADJ. Uncouth
Refinement or grace
The uncouth beauty of the young dog was majestic
ADJ. Sundry
of various kinds
THere was a sundry of metals hanging from the old man's wall
VB. Begrudged
Old man Humphrey was begrudged with old man Hubert's lawn.
VB. Elucidate
Make clear
The old man elucidated to the child that he was a world renowned guitar craftsmen.  
VB. Aqcuiescence
accept something reluctantly but without protest
The young child accepted to popcorn flavored ice cream with aquescence.
ADJ. succinct
briefly and clearly expressed
N. Facade
the face of a building