Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Importance-The end of the book, beginning of the war
Elements- metaphor, Great shimmering walls of color
Characters-Montag, Granger, Fred, Thomas, Simmons, West, Rev. Padover
Summary- MOntag realizes he is safe from the bookburners, After talking with the proffessors he learns that they are each a book, montag says that he memorized only one. THey put out the fire an walk towards the river, Montag misses Mildred, MOntag learns that the war will start in the morning, The bomb is dropped and Montag thinks about where and how Mildred reacts to the bomb, The bomb hits, MOntag and the proffesors are knocked back and are being pushed backward, The city is destroyed, and Montag leads the group North towards the city to find people who survived the explosion.

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